
We humans, in general, say we want to be honest. But studies show we stretch the truth every single day. This service is about the struggle to be honest and…
The ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a sacred time of reflection, reconciliation, and change. While these days are within the Jewish tradition, they contain wisdom and…
Our service today was organized by our Social Justice Committee. Meghann Perry was brought up as a Methodist in a middle class family. She went to school, played soccer, graduated…
We find our home at many levels: a physical place, our family and friends, a spiritual community, a cultural identity, our body, our soul. This service will be about how…
Our summer services begin with a sharing by Ellen Schoenfeld Beeks and her daughter, Heather Schoenfeld, entitled “Racism from a Grandmother’s Perspective.” Heather is a sociologist of law who works at…
Today we remember the story of John Pounds and his work to provide an education opportunity to poor children in Portsmouth England and his relationship with the UU church in…
Modern mother’s day began when the Unitarian Julia Ward Howe gave a speech proclaiming this day as a day for mother’s to inspire everyone to work for peace. We will…
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