
Food Waste

April 19, 2015
Preacher: Tom Davanso

Earth Day 2015

April 19, 2015
Preacher: Tom Yeransian

Easter Service 2015

April 5, 2015
Preacher: Chris Scheller, Reverend Jim Robinson For centuries, Unitarians have celebrated Easter by drawing inspiration from the human example of Jesus as he faced his difficult final week, and how…

Hallelujah Chorus

April 5, 2015
Preacher: UCS Choir

Easter Service 2015

April 5, 2015
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson For centuries, Unitarians have celebrated Easter by drawing inspiration from the human example of Jesus as he faced his difficult final week, and how love and…
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson Victor Hugo’s classic work, Les Miserable, argues eloquently for the cause of universal human dignity. In the light of our current “income inequality” debate it has…
Preacher: Beth McGregor, Reverend Jim Robinson This service will be about the history of our Meetinghouse. It is a remarkable history: since 1737 people have made this piece of land…