Preacher: Kathleen Guilday, Reverend Jim Robinson Celtic paganism and Celtic Christianity have made a remarkable impact on recent American spirituality. One key reason is that Celtic spirituality emphasizes immanence (the…
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson As we approach Chinese New Year (4713) we will celebrate with a local Sharon Chinese Choir, directed by our member Lilly Zhou, who will also speak…
Preacher: Chris Scheller An exploration of one element of our covenant as the second part of our service on Unitarian Universalism.
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson The Unitarian Universalist approach to spiritual community is unique. We have no formal creed but we do have clear moral values. We have no set of…
Preacher: Chris Scheller, Reverend Jim Robinson The opening reading for our service on Unitarian Universalism.
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson Our annual Martin Luther King service will focus on institutional racism. Racism today is embedded in all our major institutions in ways we can only see…
Preacher: Chris Scheller, Reverend Jim Robinson The Beatitudes, which begin the Sermon on the Mount (Chapter 5 in the Gospel of Matthew), are a challenging summary of the essential teachings…
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