
Preacher: Kathleen Guilday, Reverend Jim Robinson Celtic paganism and Celtic Christianity have made a remarkable impact on recent American spirituality. One key reason is that Celtic spirituality emphasizes immanence (the…

If Confucious Met Lao Tzu

February 8, 2015
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson As we approach Chinese New Year (4713) we will celebrate with a local Sharon Chinese Choir, directed by our member Lilly Zhou, who will also speak…
Preacher: Chris Scheller An exploration of one element of our covenant as the second part of our service on Unitarian Universalism.
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson The Unitarian Universalist approach to spiritual community is unique. We have no formal creed but we do have clear moral values. We have no set of…
Preacher: Chris Scheller, Reverend Jim Robinson The opening reading for our service on Unitarian Universalism.
Preacher: Reverend Jim Robinson Our annual Martin Luther King service will focus on institutional racism. Racism today is embedded in all our major institutions in ways we can only see…

The Beatitudes

November 16, 2014
Preacher: Chris Scheller, Reverend Jim Robinson The Beatitudes, which begin the Sermon on the Mount (Chapter 5 in the Gospel of Matthew), are a challenging summary of the essential teachings…
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