
The Safe Reopening Task Force is a group of medical, nursing, public health, and legal professionals in our congregation who have volunteered to provide their expertise and thoughtful advice around how we can safely function as a congregation during the pandemic and begin to safely reopen our building for use. The task force consults with the Board as requested, and works with the Board and committees to bring a health perspective to setting guidelines for safe reopening and educating the congregation on Covid risk reduction.  It serves as a filter for groups inside and outside the congregation who request use of our spaces during Covid.  It is an ad hoc group appointed by the Board, not a standing committee. 
Click here to contact the Safe Reopening Task Force.

Building & Grounds
Lindsay Drisko

E-mail Building & Grounds
Ivy Krull

E-mail the Caring Committee
Jennifer Spencer & Mel Springer
E-mail the Choir Discussion List
Children’s Choir
Forbesy Russell
E-mail the Children’s Choir Committee
David Nichamoff
E-mail the Endowment Trustees
Susan Edinger and Kate Barber
E-mail the Fellowship Co-Chairs
Julie Armstrong
E-mail the Finance Chair
Committee on Ministry
Barbara Nelkin-Rose
E-mail the Committee on Ministry
Information Technology
Jeff Rose
E-mail the I.T. Chair
Terry Fitzgerald & Jean Zaniewski
E-mail the Membership Committee
Memorial Garden
Ellen Schoenfeld-Beeks
E-mail the Memorial Garden Committee
Elizabeth Maranzano

E-mail the Nominating Committee
Susan Drisko
E-mail the Personnel Committee
Religious Education
Karen Woods
E-mail the R.E. Committee
Colleen Tuck

E-mail the Rental Committee
Social Justice
Gare Reid
E-mail the Social Justice Committee
Peter Raskin
E-mail the Stewardship Committee
Jeff Rose
E-mail the Website Committee
Ellen Bordman
E-mail the Worship Committee

*Click on underlined committees to learn more about that committee.