Order of Service

Worship With Us on Sunday September 8 2024
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Order of Service

10:30 AM Intergenerational: Like Rivers to the Sea

Each September we celebrate our coming together once again after the summer with a water ceremony. Bring your water and share with us what it means to you as we pour it into a common bowl. If you forget your water, that’s OK, we’ll have some here for you. Rev. Jolie will lead our worship service today.

Music Upon Entering “September Song” (from “Knickerbocker Holiday” 1938) music by Kurt Weill (Germ.-Amer.)1900-1950), Mel Springer, Music Director

Welcome & Announcements                       Ellen Bordman, Worship Coordinator

Prelude Barcarolle (from “Tales of Hoffman”) by Jacques Offenbach (France, 1819-1880) Mel Springer

Opening Words “River Call” by Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Opening Hymn #100 I’ve Got Peace Like a River

Chalice Lighting

We light this chalice for Unitarian Universalism.

This is a congregation of open minds.

This is a congregation of helping hands.

This is a congregation of loving hearts.

Together we work for peace and friendship in our world


Love is the doctrine of this church

The quest for truth is its sacrament

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace,

To seek knowledge in freedom,

To serve humanity in fellowship

To the end that all souls shall grow

Into harmony with the divine:

Thus we do covenant together

Meditation Hymn #1009 Meditation on Breathing

Offertory “Moon River” (from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s   (1961)   music by Henry Mancini (1924-1994), Mel Springer

The Brown Envelope for September is our Partner Church in Gyulakuta. Text “Give” to (781) 614-7277 to donate to the Unitarian Church of Sharon. The first time you do so you will be prompted to provide payment information and to select the recipient of your gift.

The Water Cycle with words adapted from The Cycle that Connects Us by Rev. Molly Housh Gordon and Jamila Batchelder, Rev. Jolie Olivetti, Minister and Christine Bulman, Director of Faith Development

Hymn The Wheel of the Water by Tom Chapin 

And the wheel of the water

Go ‘round and around

And the wheel of the water go ’round,

Water flow down down, trickle trickle down,

Down to the ocean, trickle trickle down.

See the vapors rise,

See them cloud the skies.

Clouds rain down.

Thunder and lightning sound.

Springs bubble bubble up,

Springs bubble bubble up.

Introduction to Water Ceremony                                                   Rev. Jolie Olivetti

Water Ceremony

Blessing the Water                                                                            Rev. Jolie Olivetti

Closing Hymn #1064 Blue Boat Home

Closing Words                                                                                  Rev. Jolie Olivetti

Postlude “On the Beautiful Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss Jr. (Austria, 1825-1899)

Mel Springer

Upcoming Events

Religious Education begins on Sunday, September 22, 2024. Scan the code to register today! Registration is required for all children and youth – toddler through high school who plan to participate in church life beyond worship. Thank you for helping us get RE off to a great start!

Sunday, September 22, 2024, After Coffee Hour

Congregational Conversation about our Black Lives Matter Sign. Join us to talk about how we came to have a BLM sign at our church in the first place, what discussions our Board and Social Justice Committee had about it last year, and reflect on what our sign says about our UU faith. Childcare will be provided.

Saturday, September 28, 2024 9 to noon

2024 Neponset River Fall Cleanup! We are sending a team to the Canton Park and Ride (in the Blue Hills Reservation) along with our friends from UU Canton. Scan the code to sign up, and select the Canton Park and Ride. Sign up today – space is limited! If the Canton site fills up, we can send a team to another site.

Zoom Link for our Virtual Sanctuary

Zoom information: Meeting ID: 945 6326 5033 Password: 3652

More Zoom information including the phone numbers can be found here

If you are joining for the first time, please sign our Visitor Guest book