Sunday Services
Worship services at the Unitarian Church of Sharon are currently both in person and on Zoom. Our in-person services are mask-optional in a ventilated sanctuary.
Details of the upcoming Sunday service are posted at by Saturday morning. If you’d like to attend virtually, navigate to this page on Sunday mornings and use the link below – or click the Watch Live button in the blue banner of this or the Home page.
10:30 am Worship Service From September through June we have a regular church service from 10:30 – 11:30 am which is followed by a time of fellowship. All ages are welcome at this service although we do have a service geared especially for families with children in grades 8 and under. See below for details. About once per month, we combine these two services into one 10:30 intergenerational service, usually for special occasions such as holidays and holy days.
10 a.m. Family Service Our interactive family worship services support parents and children in talking with one another about Unitarian Universalist values. We explore big topics and ask big questions. We make meaning through dialogue and are encouraged to continue the conversation beyond worship. Watch this space for upcoming topics.
UCS Zoom link for Sunday Worship services
For more information on Zoom scroll to next page.
February 2
10:00 AM Family Worship: Imbolc
In celebration of the pagan spring festival of Imbolc, today we will read and discuss a book called “Imbolc: Learn About Paganism With Grani Hulda.”
10:30 AM Worship: What is Pluralism?
Today we return to an important theme: Pluralism, which is one of our UU values. Several of the questions submitted during our January Question Box service asked something like… is it OK to believe in God in this congregation? Is it OK to not believe in God in this congregation? Is this place Christian? Today, Rev. Jolie will preach about one of the truly beautiful paradoxes of Unitarian Universalism: we are a pluralistic religion, through and through. We are many faiths and yet we are one faith. How do we do this?
February 9
10:00 AM Family Worship: Encountering Buddhism
Today we will begin our encounter with Buddhism. We will share a story and discussion together on the topic.
10:30 AM Worship: How To Do Enough
Another Question Box-inspired sermon! Many people asked a variation of this question: how can we possibly heal our hurting world? Nothing I do feels like enough, sometimes I feel like I am not enough. Today, Rev. Jolie will speak on this question of “enough.”
February 16
10:00 AM Family Worship: Meg and the Ants
Our series on Buddhism continues, with this story from a Buddhist friend of Rev. Jolie’s who had a difficult time with some ants.
10:30 AM Worship: Living in Tension
And yet a third sermon pulled straight outta the Question Box. You all asked some wonderful questions! More than any other topic, the largest number of questions were variations on this theme: how do we find common ground with people who hold different values than our own? Let’s talk about it! Rev. Jolie preaching.
February 23
10:00 AM Family Worship: Exploring Generosity
Today we will enjoy a tale from Kenya and talk about one of the most important themes from the story: generosity. Generosity is one of our UU Values. What does generosity mean to you?
10:30 AM Worship: Developing the Potential of Your Microbes, Diego Garrido Barreto, guest preacher
Diego Garrido Barreto was born in Colombia, and migrated to Boston in the Fall of 2022. He still counts his time in the US as winters. He got married in his second winter and his husband’s last name is Wisdom. He has a bachelor’s in arts for Literature from Pontifical Javeriana University, is a poet and mandala maker, and is in his last semester of a Master of Divinity at Boston University School of Theology. His church home is the First Parish in Brookline, and he is a soon-to-be Aspirant for UU ordination. He was awarded the 2024 UU Climate Justice Revival contest. He has used his language skills as a chaplain intern at Boston Medical Center to translate care to Hispanic and Portuguese patients.
Family and Adult services:
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