Minister & Staff
Rev. Jolie Olivetti, Minister

Find out more about Rev. Jolie
book a meeting with me:
Christine Bulman, Interim Director of Religious Education (DRE)

Caroline Dixon, Youth Ministry Coordinator

My name is Caroline Dixon and I am the new Youth Ministry Coordinator for the Unitarian Church of Sharon. I was raised in UU churches (Kingston and then Sharon) and was able to meet most of my close friends through Youth Ministry programming. Since turning 25, I have been a youth group advisor for the SiCoRockWell Senior Youth Group. I was also an adult advisor for the Youth Empowerment & Spirituality Conference at Star Island in the summer of 2021. I am looking forward to working with the UCS youth to build a community full of learning, growing, and fun!
De’En Tarkpor, Congregational Administrator
Mel Springer, Music Director
Jennifer Spencer, Adult Choir Director
Forbesy Russell, Children’s Choir Director
Mary Baker, Childcare Provider
Maria DiBattista, Custodial Services
To reach this Contact | email address |
Rev. Jolie Olivetti, Minister | minister |
Christine Bulman, Interim Director of Religious Education (DRE) | dre |
Caroline Dixon, Youth Ministry Coordinator | yc |
De’En Tarkpor, Congregational Administrator | admin |
The Safe Reopening task force | safetaskforce |
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