Sign-up for Breeze
- Photos, contact information, pledge information, committee members.
- Secure, and you can choose to keep contact information private.
- Breeze app has ‘functional’ contact information – click to send texts, get address directions.
For members and friends who haven’t signed up for Breeze yet, you should use this link to create an account and select a password:
You will see this page:

- Enter your name and the email address we have for you (you can update it when you log into Breeze).
- You will almost immediately receive an invitation from breeze to create your login.
- Click on ‘create your login’ – create your ID and password – success!!
or … download the breeze App to your smart phone.

When asked, supply this subdomain:UNITARIANCHURCHOFSHARON
Once you have an account
- Add your photo
- Log in to breeze.
- Click on large empty circle.
- Click on large square – shows link to upload image. Note: if using mobile app, you have to scroll down to see ‘upload image’.
- Click on upload image to upload your photo (jpg file format).
- Select your photo – center it as you like, click on ‘set as profile’.
- Use breeze as a resource & update it as needed (new email address, new street address, etc.)
What can you do with Breeze?

Note: The Breeze calendar is used to manage sign-ups for the Zoom task force, RE programs and Special Events. Continue to use the calendar for all other meetings and events.
If you already have an account, you should use this link:
If you already have an account but forgot your password, you should use this link:
Questions? Email or
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