UCS Annual Pledge Campaign
Every year around this time, our church embarks on our Stewardship Pledge Campaign. Stewardship is about taking care of something we value and enabling it to grow. When we become stewards, we take responsibility and contribute our time, talent, and treasure. No doubt, the Unitarian Church of Sharon is a generous and grateful community. There is joy in giving and it enables us to put our faith into action. There is joy in working together to make our community a more loving place. There is joy in sharing our dreams and our visions, planting seeds for stronger and more resilient tomorrows. Over time, your passions and dreams provide the sustenance our community thrives on.
The following material is included in your stewardship packet, which has been both mailed and emailed to you:
• Our theme this year is Give Together, Grow Together. The brochure explains the focus of this year’s stewardship campaign and describes three opportunities to participate in a small group discussion about your values and vision for our community. Being “Together” is what sustains and inspires us and makes us resilient.
Please RSVP by email (stewardship@uusharon.org) to attend one of the in person or Zoom Cottage Meetings. Use the link on the church calendar found at www.uusharon.org/calendars/month to join the Zoom meetings.
- The UUA’s Fair-Share Contribution Guide will help you determine a “fair” pledge based on your income. For many, the Guide is an “aspirational” suggestion. Please do what you can and consider increasing last year’s pledge, if possible.
- Your mailed copy of the pledge form shows your pledge for the current fiscal year; the emailed copy will not show that information. You may submit your pledge in several ways – by clicking on this link; mailing your completed form to the church; or dropping it into the pledge form box in the church entryway by Sunday, March 24th. It is important we have your pledge form by that date so our Finance Committee can complete planning the 2024-2025 budget.
If you would like to talk with a member of the Stewardship Committee, contact Peter Raskin at stewardship@uusharon.org or call him at 781-771-6084. We will be happy to chat or meet with you virtually to answer questions you may have about our stewardship campaign.
Thank you for your generosity,
Your Stewardship Committee:
Peter Raskin, Chairperson
Fred Bramhall, Susan Olson Drisko, Tikeren Quinn, Kathy Farrell, Jessica Plumridge and Colleen Tuck
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