Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell

  • Rainbow Sunday – 2019

    Preacher: Mia Joiner-Moore, Reverend Wendy Bell | This Sunday is our annual celebration of diversity and love. Mia Joiner-Moore and Reverend Wendy Bell will lead the service and share their […]

  • Seeing the Way Forward

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | This morning we reflect together on the interim journey – where we’ve been and what is next – and on how you envision your collective […]

  • Hope Springs Eternal

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | Several indigenous peoples and some modern theologians understand the earth to be the body of God, the Mother of all life. This morning, as we […]

  • The Sermon On the Amount

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | This morning we reflect on the power of generosity and giving. And we kick off the annual fundraising pledge drive. The reading this morning is […]

  • No Free Lunch

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | Wendell Berry has written, “Eaters…must understand that eating takes place inescapably in the world…and that how we eat determines, to a considerable extent, the way […]

  • Why Is It So Hard To Talk About Racism?

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | This morning, we honor the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and we reflect on why it can be so […]

  • Confession and Compassion

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | We are all imperfect. That is part of the human condition. But it’s not always easy to acknowledge our short-comings. On the other hand, sometimes […]

  • Spirituality Goals – 2019

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | Our third UU principle encourages us to grow spiritually. As we begin a new calendar year, in what ways do you want to grow this […]

  • Mindfulness In Times of Challenge

    Preacher: Reverend Wendy Bell | This morning we look at the Buddhist practice of Mindfulness meditation as a tool for surviving – and even thriving – in challenging times, whether […]