The Many Faces of Grief
In a society that loves the act of understanding and figuring things out, grief can be a little scary. When grief comes to our door we quickly realize that our own, very personal grief has not necessarily read the expert books or reviewed the many theories about how it is to behave. Indeed, grief has many faces and many secret knocks it uses when arriving at our homes. And while it is natural to try to avoid grief, befriending it may not be as hard as we fear. This morning we invite you to come together and notice how the gift of community can be a sacred balm in the face of grief.
Bio: Rev. Deborah Bennett is a Unitarian Universalist minister currently serving as the Interim minister at First Parish in Wayland, Mass. After graduating from Starr King School for the Ministry, Rev. Deborah served as a hospital chaplain and then as the settled minister for Emerson Unitarian Universalist congregation in Marietta Georgia. For over 35 years, Rev. Deborah’s personal practice has been grounded in the yogic tradition and she credits these practices for her dedication to authentic conversations. Most recently she has taken up the spiritual practice of being a grandmother, welcoming her first grandchild into the world last October.
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